Rabbit Stew: Poaching: Poddy's Ear Woz 'Ere!

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Poaching: Poddy's Ear Woz 'Ere!

The library in my town is housed in an imposing building in the central square. It's only been a library for a decade or so and before that it housed the County Court. In the square outside there are some trees; fairly modest, fairly dull trees - this is, after all, a fairly modest, fairly dull town.

Poddy the Poacher nailed his ear to one of these trees. History doesn't record which tree. Miserable old bugger, history; all very good for dates of Kings and Queens and what have you, not quite so good at testimonial plaques for blokes who nailed their ear to a tree.

Poddy nailed his ear to a tree as a protest about paying a fine for being caught poaching. The clue is in the name, I suppose: Poacher, Poddy the Poacher.

Poddy was famous hereabouts for not being quietly and politely subservient to the respectable requirements of the Law of the Land. Clearly, he nicked a lot of game from places where they'd have been happier if he hadn't. He very often landed up in court and, when he did, he very often did so in a theatrical manner: once he showed up in front of the Magistrate dressed in full scuba gear; once he had himself borne aloft to the Court in a coffin; once he appeared in front of the Judge covered in foul-smelling manure and sporting a freshly slaughtered pig's head as a hat.

Around Christmas 1977, he scaled the walls of Shrewsbury jail dressed as Santa Claus with a goodie bag full of fags & tobacco for the inmates and regaled the town with cries of Merry Christmas until he was removed by officers of the law - all of them, no doubt, not too chuffed about being pulled away from their Turkey dinners.

It's possible, also, that he held the title of World Frog Swallowing Champion. The Guinness Book of Records, inexplicably, no longer seems to feature this activity or hold any mention of Poddy's feat.

The town square today was full of agonisingly peppy teenage chuggers bounding up to strangers and saying "Hello Matey! Can I have a minute of your time?" None of the trees in the square bore any sort of plaque, blue or otherwise, recording the fact that this Elm, Beech, Oak, mighty Redwood - whatever - was the very tree to which Poddy the Poacher nailed his ear.

This, it seems to me, is a shame. It's not a shame because nicking stuff is right - nicking stuff is wrong, nicking Lord and Lady Wotsit's pheasants is, quite clearly, not on. It's a shame, I'd say, because someone living so as to make it clear that here, here is someone who is living, this is so unusual a thing as to make it worthy of note, worthy of record.


  1. Thanks for this.

    My Uncle farmed at Styche in Moreton Saye. We knew Poddy. He was quite the colourful character.

    1. I know it's been ages since you posted this comment Julian, but if you had a moment to sketch a few details here of Poddy the man as you knew him I'd be very grateful.
      With all best wishes,

  2. That court also saw the jailing of George Newman CBE, chairman of Staffordshire County Council. Who was the bigger rogue?

  3. I think Poddy's tree was the oak nearest the Shire Hall. I was in town that day and it was quite a kerfuffle

    1. You were there that day! That's a bit of history! There really are are no actual witness accounts on the the net of Poddy & the tree that I can find. But you were actually there! So do please feel free to add anything about that day here that you can remember - it'd be most welcome.
      Best wishes,

  4. History DOES recall what tree he nailed his ear to. I was the local freelance reporter at the time and I recorded it. It was the tree immediately outside the entrance to the Shire Hall. Poddy was also clever. The 'nail'he used was actually filed down to a pin with the head of the nail remaining. So it looked like a nail from the top (and fooled the firemen called to free him) but was actually a small, easily removable pin which did his ear no damage.

  5. I see poddy very regularly as im from market drayton and hes a local legend. His stories are amazing and all true. He didnt do anything without a reason usually get backs at authority when he beleived hed been wronged. The nail in the ear to a tree. Climbing shrewsbury prison roof as santa with tobacco for inmates. Paying a 200£ fine in pennies. Piercing his neck with a garden fork. Frog eating world record attempt. Attending court covered in manure. And most recently 2019 trying to get local youths to get down the flag that was being flown outside the new town hall from our twinning town in france by offering whoever was successful 20£ and the freshest pheasant money would never buy (his words). Long live poddy podmore a well loved draytonian legend who i hope keeps his storys coming. If anyone would like to donate to a xmas meal for poddy please get in touch by ringing 07741 278863 and we will place your name in his card and makecit known to him how much he is thought of. Weve done this the past 3 years and he loves to know of all the people who are on his side (again his words) thankyou very much and merry xmas from poddys apprentice poacher 2005-2021

    1. I am amazed that Poddy is still alive. How is he these days and how old is he now? I am 83.
      As a freelance journalist, I used to report on his activities and interviewed him regularly.
